My Resume

I graduated in 2010 as a Master of Science in Computer Science Engineering: Software Engineering from Ghent University.

After graduation, I worked eight months as a Knowledge Engineer in Aktor Knowledge Technology, a former part of the IP & Science technology group of Thomson Reuters. Here, I helped to further develop and maintain their fully automated trademark matching system, which processed millions of global trademarks every day.

The next four years were spent at Comsof, a spinoff company of Ghent University, where I became Software Architect and played a leading role in the development of the FiberPlanIT software and helped train new employees. I was able to play a major role in the evolution of FiberPlanIT from an inhouse set of tools to a fully commercial software product.

In 2015, I started working as a researcher at the Internet Technology and Data Science Lab (IDLab) at iMinds (which later became part of imec) and Ghent University. I worked on various projects where I gained experience with internet and semantic technologies, and ultimately assisted the Flemish Government in the OSLO² project to semantically unlock their base registries. After two years, I became part of the Predictive Analysis for Machine Diagnostics and Healthcare Applications (PreDiCT) group, as it better fitted my PhD that I had started along the way: a hybrid approach for semantics and machine learning.